Friday, July 25, 2008


My girlfriend, Kelli, just got back from a month-long college program and we are spending as much time as we can together. She leaves for Ohio soon. I get to hang out with my old friends from highschool though. We are pretty much just screwing around. Playing video games and Dungeons and Dragons. Luke left the Wii out for a while and his dad got angry and put it away. So, no more Brawl for a while. Matt still has his Wii, but we rarely go to his house. Well, summer is pretty easy when you don't have anything to do.

I have been living most of the summer at Luke's place with him, his sister, and his parents. His sister, Michelle, does not usually stay here, but she is living here while she is pregnant. When the baby comes she is going to live with her boyfriend. She is a very animated person. She tells the same story thiry times and demonstrates the actions of everyone every time. At first it was annoying, but I got used to it. Her boyfriend is a cool guy, he is a great cook too. He makes us breakfast ocasionally.

Luke's parents do not do too much that I follow. I talk with them some, but I do not really know what they are doing half the time. His mother goes to church every sunday and goes to all of the baby classes with Michelle. She does Yoga in the mornings. His dad works in the office alot and is on business trips every third week. The watch Bill O'Reily, Burn Notice, and some other shows I do not remember at night and that's about it.

Luke is trying his best to get a girlfriend this summer. He works at the Mall in EBX and he meets girls with common interests there. He has had about six or seven different girls this summer and none of them stuck. This past year he broke up with his previous girlfriend of four years. He misses the companionship. He tells me about all of these girls and how each one is different. Then he tells me how they break up with him. It is kind of sad, but I have faith in his ability to find partnership. On a happier note he has gotten me addicted to this webcomic (I will post a link eventually) called Erfworld. It is a silly world where everything is turn based and has a "cute" name: dragons are dwagons, goblins are gobwins, and every time he swears he says boop.

I sit back and watch alot. I have not done much this summer, and I plan on keeping this trend. Nothing to worry about until the fall semester where I go back to classes.

See ya'll.